Beeswax is fascinating. Since historic times humans have used beeswax for a variety of purposes. Some of these include writing, the first plastic, candles (obviously), lotions, makeup, food coverings, deodorant, waterproofing, furniture polish and even dental fillings!
Let's break it down: beeswax is a natural wax produced in the glands of worker bees. It is used for honey storage and structural foundations within the hive. Approximately 7 kilos of honey are manufactured for every kilo of beeswax. The actual beeswax is a complex mixture of long chain chemical compounds, which explain the density and longevity of this substance.
Some fun facts about beeswax:
- Beeswax has been found in Egyptian tombs, Viking wrecked ships and Roman ruins.
- Egyptian tombs and cave wall writings were sealed with beeswax, and have been preserved for over 2000 years.
- Beeswax has antibacterial and antifungal properties, and was used historically in medical salves and skin treatments.
- Unscented beeswax still has a nice aroma, derived from the honey and flower nectar found in the original honeycomb
- Beeswax, like honey, is one of the only natural substances to never go off.
I have noticed the beneficial properties of beeswax in my everyday life. Lighting and making such candles has positively impacted my life.
Thank you for reading and discovering the unique benefits of beeswax with me!
All the best,